01096 ![]() 說明:CBOL原文字典以並列的英文字典內容為根據,但是參考了希伯來文 與希臘文字典作過修正補充刪減。因此內容與英文字典不同,敬請留意。 |
01096 Beltᵉsha'tstsar (亞蘭文) {be:l-te-shats-tsar'} 字根相當於 01095; 陽性專有名詞 人名 欽定本 - Belteshazzar 8; 8 伯提沙撒 = "窮困者的寶藏之主" 1) 但以理的巴比倫名字 |
本字典尚在發展中,錯繆缺漏難免,請多多包涵!有意見請聯繫twcbhdic「@」fhl.net 註:<神出>表示TWOT神學辭典編號和此字第一次出處 【1096】בֵּלְטְשַׁאצַּר<音譯>Beltesha'tstsar <詞類>名、專、陽、亞 <字義>護衛王的生命 <字源>相當於SH1095 <神出> 但2:26 <譯詞>伯提沙撒8 (8) <解釋> 〔伯提沙撒〕人名 |
01096 Belt@sha'tstsar (Aramaic) {bale-tesh-ats-tsar'} from a root corresponding to 01095;; n pr m AV - Belteshazzar 8; 8 Belteshazzar = "lord of the straitened's treasure" 1) the 4th of the greater prophets, taken as hostage in the first deportation to Babylon; because of the gift of God of the interpretation of dreams, he became the 2nd in command of the Babylon empire and lasted through the end of the Babylonian empire and into the Persian empire. His prophecies are the key to the understanding of end time events. Noted for his purity and holiness by contemporary prophet, Ezekiel 1a) also, 'Daniel' (01840 or 01841) |