02425 ![]() 说明:CBOL原文字典以并列的英文字典内容为根据,但是参考了希伯来文 与希腊文字典作过修正补充删减。因此内容与英文字典不同,敬请留意。 |
02425 chayay {kha:-yai'} 字根型 [比较 02421 ]; TWOT - 644; 动词 钦定本 - live 21, life 1, non translated variant 1; 23 1) (Qal) 活着 |
本字典尚在发展中,错缪缺漏难免,请多多包涵!有意见请联系twcbhdic「@」fhl.net 注:<神出>表示TWOT神学辞典编号和此字第一次出处 【2425】חָיַי<音译>chayay <词类>动 <字义>生活、活着 <字源>一原形字根 <神出>644 创3:22 <译词>存活9 活6 活着5 住2 保全生命1 生活1 (24) <解释> 1. 活着 详见SH2421。 |
02425 chayay {khaw-yah'-ee} a primitive root [compare 02421]; TWOT - 644; v AV - live 21, life 1, non translated variant 1; 23 1) to live, have life, remain alive, sustain life, live prosperously, live for ever, be quickened, be alive, be restored to life or health 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to live 1a1a) to have life 1a1b) to continue in life, remain alive 1a1c) to sustain life, to live on or upon 1a1d) to live (prosperously) 1a2) to revive, be quickened 1a2a) from sickness 1a2b) from discouragement 1a2c) from faintness 1a2d) from death 1b) (Piel) 1b1) to preserve alive, let live 1b2) to give life 1b3) to quicken, revive, refresh 1b3a) to restore to life 1b3b) to cause to grow 1b3c) to restore 1b3d) to revive 1c) (Hiph) 1c1) to preserve alive, let live 1c2) to quicken, revive 1c2a) to restore (to health) 1c2b) to revive 1c2c) to restore to life |